Wednesday, September 05, 2007

I need a laptop or something....

Every day that I go to work, I climb aboard a commuter bus that takes me from my suburban community to downtown Houston. I love this because it gives me about 40 minutes each way to read, think, listen to music, or a pod-cast. The only negative to this arrangement is that most of my musings are done on the bus, so I don't get to share those musings with any readers of my blog as often as I had hoped.

I mentioned to my wife that I should get a laptop so that I could write my thoughts down, to which she said, 'buy a notepad'. What? Me write? My hand cramps up just writing a check (which is rare these days). Oh, well, maybe I'll have to give her suggestion a try and see how it goes. But a laptop would be pretty cool...

1 comment:

Kent said...

Rick she has a point at least in this way. Even if you had a laptop there will be moments when thoughts would pop into your head and and the laptop would not be with you. If you get in the habit of grabbing a piece of paper now, before you get your laptop(shuuu...thats my way of speaking it into being...wink wink) it will be something that is already established in you. I have no laptop...would like to have one but don' when I am out, it's paper for me.... baby.

You've been quiet and in stealth mode. I have seen you around anywhere.

I for one would love to see some more writing from you.